Positif (61%)
25 Nov 2022 : 04.00
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20 Ucapan Hari Guru Nasional Bahasa Inggris, Jadikan Caption Instagram, WA, dan Facebook

25 Nov 2022 : 04.00 Views 3 Jenis Media: News

20 Ucapan Hari Guru Nasional Bahasa Inggris, Jadikan Caption Instagram, WA, dan Facebook - Hari Guru Nasional diperingati setiap tanggal 25 November tiap tahunnya. Dalam rangka mendukung hari guru nasional, mari kita buat ucapan hari guru nasional dalam bahasa Inggris untuk caption di sosial media kita.

Berikut quote ucapan hari guru nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sumber.

1. “On the occasion of Teachers Day, I pray your good health and eternal happiness and I thank you for being an inspirational and helpful teacher.”

2. “I find myself extremely lucky to find a teacher like you…. On the occasion of Teachers Day, I want to wish you and thank you for believing in me in my bad days.”

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3. "You have taught me so many things in life but the most special thing that you have taught me is to be a good person and I am thankful for that…. Happy Teachers Day to you.”

4. "Happy Teachers Day to all the amazing teachers of the world!"

5. "Thank you for teaching me with kindness, dear teacher. Happy Teachers Day!"

6. "Happy Teachers Day 2022! It has been an honor to get to learn so many things from you; thanks for inspiring me!"

7. "Happy Teacher’s Day. My respect and best wishes to all the teachers around the globe."

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8. "The effort and dedication that you put into teaching us are beyond any description. Happy Teacher’s Day!"

9. "Happy teacher’s day. We can never thank you enough for your dedication, wisdom, and responsibility."

10. "Happy Teachers Day to all the amazing teachers of the world!"

11. "Thank you for teaching me with kindness, dear teacher. Happy Teachers Day!"

12. "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher. Happy Teacher’s Day!"

13. "You have always been an excellent educator who knew how to illuminate a soul with its light. Happy Teacher’s Day to my favorite teacher!"

14. "Wishing you joy and happiness, you are an amazing teacher, and you only deserve the best."

15. "Happy Teacher’s Day! It has been an honor to get to learn so many things from you; thank you for inspiring me! We need more instructors like you in our schools and universities."

16. "All the efforts and hard work you invested to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you!"

17. " You are the spark, the inspiration, the guide, the candle to my life. I am deeply thankful that you are my teacher."

18. "Being a teacher isn’t like a 9 to 5 job, thanks for being available whenever we had a problem. Thanks for always making us feel that way! Happy teacher’s day!"

19. "Teacher, you have always challenged me to work hard and get good grades. I will always remember you. Happy Teacher’s Day!"

20. "Dear teacher, even though we made you mad all the time, we still knew that your patience wouldn’t run out because you’re the kindest and most patient teacher ever."

Demikian rekomendasi 20 ucapan hari guru nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga dapat Anda adaptasi dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.

Kontributor : Mutaya Saroh

Sentimen: positif (61.5%)