Former Indonesian SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan Questioned by KPK on Alleged Pertamina LNG Corruption

  • 03 Juli 2024 21:21:09
  • Views: 2

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has scheduled a further interrogation of the former State-Owned Enterprises Minister, Dahlan Iskan for Wednesday, 3 July 2024. Dahlan will be questioned as a witness in relation to the alleged corruption of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at PT Pertamina between the 2011 and 2014 period. Previously, Dahlan Iskan was also questioned on Thursday, 14 September 2023.

Aside from Dahlan, the KPK investigators questioned another witness, Yudha Pandu Dewanata. However, the specific details of the investigators' inquiries to the two witnesses remain unclear.

They were suspected to have information related to the corruption case handled by KPK. On Wednesday, 3 July 2024, witnesses were examined for alleged corruption related to LNG procurement at PT Pertamina in 2011-2014.

"Today, Wednesday, 3 July 2024, witness examination for alleged corruption related to LNG procurement at PT Pertamina in 2011-2014. The examination was conducted at the KPK Red and White Building," KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika said in her statement, Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is developing a case of alleged corruption in the procurement of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at PT Pertamina (Persero) from 2011 to 2021. Previously, the case ensnared former Pertamina CEO Galaila Karen Kardinah or Karen Agustiawan.

KPK is currently developing an investigation into alleged corruption offences related to the procurement of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at PT Pertamina (Persero) between the years 2011 and 2021. These offences are alleged to have caused losses to the state.

"KPK estimates that losses amount to USD113,839,186," stated Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto, spokesperson for the KPK, in a press conference held at the KPK's Red and White Building in Jakarta on Tuesday, 2 July 2024.

Tessa elucidated that the development of the investigation constituted a follow-up and an integral part of the investigation conducted against Karen Agustiawan. In accordance with the case handling process at the investigation stage, the KPK has named two new suspects, both of whom are state officials, with the initials HK and YA.

Based on information gathered, HK is Hari Karyuliarto, who was previously the Director of Gas and Renewable Energy at Pertamina. Then, YA is Yenni Andayani, who was previously the Director of Gas at Pertamina. Tessa stated that the unlawful acts committed by the suspects would be revealed when the investigation into this case had reached a sufficient level of completion.

"We will convey every development of this investigation to the public and the investigation process of this case can continue in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he added.

The panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) sentenced former Pertamina CEO Galaila Karen Kardinah or Karen Agustiawan to 9 years in prison. She was found guilty for corruption in the procurement of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at PT Pertamina for the 2011-2021 period.

Karen is also required to pay a fine of Rp500 million. If the fine is not paid, it is replaced by imprisonment for 3 months. However, the panel of judges' verdict was lighter than the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor's demand. Prosecutors demanded that Karen be sentenced to 11 years in prison and a fine of Rp1 billion.

Before passing a sentence, the panel of judges considered the mitigating circumstances for Karen. There were four mitigating circumstances, one of which was Karen's polite behaviour during the trial. Here are the four mitigating circumstances for Karen:

The defendant behaved politely in court The defendant did not obtain the proceeds of corruption. The defendant has family dependents. The defendant devoted herself to Pertamina.

In addition to the mitigating circumstances, the panel of judges also considered aggravating circumstances, namely Karen's actions were considered not supporting the government's programme which is aggressively eradicating corruption. In addition, Karen's corrupt practices have harmed state finances.

"Determining that the period of arrest and detention imposed is fully deducted from the sentence imposed," said the judge at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, 24 June 2024.*** (Politeknik Negeri Bandung/Yeurley Arba Nabila)




persons Dahlan Iskan, Karen Agustiawan,
ministries KPK,
bumns PT Pertamina,
ngos WHO,
places DKI Jakarta, JAWA BARAT,
cities bandung,
cases Tipikor,