Informasi Tambahan
Kab/Kota: Manggarai
Tokoh Terkait

Hatta Wardhana
Indonesian Customs and Excise Officials Deny a Fine Request from a Taiwanese Tourist
Jenis Media: Nasional

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - A Taiwanese tourist has been in the spotlight after receiving a fine for taking photos in a restricted area at Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, Indonesia. The Customs and Excise Office reportedly issued the tourist a fine of Rp60 million (4000 USD).
The incident occurred when the tourist arrived at the restricted area of the airport for a security check. Despite the restricted nature of the area, the tourist proceeded to take photos using their phone. As this is in violation of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 80 of 2017 on the National Aviation Security Program, the tourist was issued a fine.
After the tourist was fined, officials requested that they record their fingerprints and have their passports stamped before they could continue their journey. However, a Ministry of Finance staff member, Yustinus Prastowo, clarified that the request for the fine was not made by Customs and Excise officials. He pointed out that Customs and Excise officials do not have the authority to stamp passports or record fingerprints.
The Head of the Customs and Excise Sub-Directorate of Public Relations and Outreach, Hatta Wardhana, also believes that the incident did not occur within Customs and Excise, as they do not have the authority to record fingerprints or stamp passports.
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"Based on the information provided, we believe that the incident did not occur within Customs and Excise because we do not have the authority to record fingerprints or stamp passports," said Hatta Wardhana,
As reported on the official webpage of the Ministry of Transportation, photography is prohibited in several areas at the airport, including:
The security checkpoint, Access control point, Immigration service area Customs service area
"According to article 5.2.8 of Regulation No. 80 of 2017 on the National Aviation Security Program, the airport manager or airport business entity must ensure that taking photos in certain areas of restricted security is prohibited, except with permission from the airport manager."
Any unauthorized photography in these areas will result in a fine, as stipulated in Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 80 of 2017 on the National Aviation Security Program.***
Sentimen: negatif (50%)