Negatif (91%)
4 Feb 2023 : 19.54
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Kab/Kota: Yogyakarta

Kasus: korupsi

Struggle against Corruption Continues despite IPK Said Otherwise, Maruf Amin Assured

4 Feb 2023 : 19.54 Views 9 Jenis Media: Nasional

Struggle against Corruption Continues despite IPK Said Otherwise, Maruf Amin Assured

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index (IPK) 2022 decreased by 4 points despite the current administration's struggle to eradicate corruption. Vice President Maruf Amin told reporters that his administration's commitment remains unaffected by recent index results.

“It is common to see the index goes up and down, but as a matter of fact, the government is committed to eradicating corruption,” assured Maruf Amin in Presidential Palace at Yogyakarta.

The decrease in Corruption Perception Index has been his focus recently, he promised to investigate the reason behind it.

“We will definitely investigate what makes the perception goes down. KPK used three approaches to measure the perception, those are education, mitigation, and prosecution. We are doing it pretty well, so we will look for the cause,” said Maruf Amin.

Baca Juga: Novel Baswedan Sebut Indeks Korupsi Indonesia Buruk Sejak Firli Bahuri Naik Jadi Ketua KPK

Maruf Amin also emphasized that the Government continues to intensify the effort to mitigate corruption such as establishing integrated service centers and service center malls (MPP).

“Through digital services, without any physical meetings needed, it is hoped that there are no opportunities for the corrupt official to carry out illegal activities such as pungli (illegal fees collection),” said Maruf Amin.

“The government also establishes integrity and corruption-free zone. Those are all our efforts to minimize opportunities for corruption misconduct.”

Furthermore, Maruf Amin spoiled the government agenda to hold a meeting discussing any possible factors bringing down the index. He added that The President took the issues seriously and expressed a commitment to fix them.

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Transparency Internation Indonesia (TII) published the Corruption Index Perception 2022 where Indonesia's score for Corruption Eradication went down 4 points from 34 in 2021 to 38.

The IPK ranks 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The results are given on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

Based on the score, TII ranked Indonesia in 110 out of 180 countries that were surveyed. In ASEAN, Singapore is nominated as the least corrupt country with 87 points followed by Malaysia with 47 points. Indonesia is even placed behind Timor Leste in IPK scores.***

Sentimen: negatif (91.4%)