I apologise if there are mistakes

  • 05 Juli 2024 22:21:22
  • Views: 3

Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, General Director of Applications and Informatics from the Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), announces his resignation from the office. This announcement was made directly in the Kominfo Office, at Jalan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

"As of July 1st, I have submitted my resignation verbally and I have submitted the letter yesterday to the Minister of Communication and Information," Semuel said in a press conference at the Kominfo Office. "And I apologise if there are mistakes, and my words are not pleasing," he continued.

Semuel revealed that his reason for stepping down was of moral responsibility. He said that his disposition replacement will be follow up in the near future.

“So, I have taken this responsibility, morally and I stated, that it should be finished with me, because this problem is something that I should handle well, that is the main reason,” he said.

When asked about his assessment of whether the responsibility to step down should also be carried out by the leadership, he simply replied "no comment".

Previously, Brain Cipher successfully paralyzed the Temporary National Data Center 2 (PDNS 2) with ransomware, on June 20, 2024. This attack paralyzed data from 282 center and regional institutions.

Brain Cipher used the brain cipher ransomware method to attack, taking advantage of Windows Defender vulnerability, which allowed them to access and encrypt the Temporary National Data Center 2 (PDNS 2).*** (Yeurley Arba Nabila)


Sumber: https://xcloud.id/i-apologise-if-there-are-mistakes/



nations Indonesia,
places DKI Jakarta,