Indonesian Ministry of Health Clarifies the Case of a 3-Month-Old Baby Who Died After Immunization

  • 01 Juli 2024 22:29:08
  • Views: 1

Disclaimer: This article is an editorial that highlights the problems in Indonesia today

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) issued a clarification regarding the case of a baby boy, MKA, in Sukabumi, West Java, who reportedly passed away after a receiving vaccination. The Post-Immunization Adverse Event (KIPI) was experienced by the 3-month-old baby a few hours after receiving four types of vaccines.

The vaccines given to MKA were Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) for tuberculosis (TB), Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (DPT-HB-Hib), oral Polio, and Rotavirus for diarrhea prevention.

West Java Regional KIPI Committee and the Sukabumi City KIPI Working Group, along with the Sukabumi City Health Office conducted an investigation, revealing that the baby was born with the help of a midwife and had received vitamin K and a hepatitis B vaccines. However, the nearly 3-month-old baby had not been taken to the community health center since birth. The parents brought the baby to the integrated health service post at 2 months and 28 days old for immunization.

The healthcare workers administered four vaccines (BCG, DPT-HB-Hib, Polio, Rotavirus) to update the baby’s immunisation status. On that day, 18 children received immunizations at the community health center, with three other children receiving the same four vaccines as the baby, MKA, and all of them are currently healthy.

After the immunization, MKA appeared normal, but soon showed signs of weakness. Concerned about the baby's condition, the parents contacted the community health center. Healthcare workers quickly came to the house and transported MKA to the hospital for further treatment.

"First aid was given because the immunization staff immediately came to the deceased's home and took him to the hospital for further treatment," said Kusnadi Rusmil, the Chairman of the Regional KIPI Committee, on Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Unfortunately, the baby could not be saved and was declared to have lost it's life upon arrival at the hospital, on June 11, 2024. The family requested further investigation into their baby's death.

The National Committee on Post-Immunisation Adverse Events (Komnas KIPI) recommended an autopsy to determine if the baby's death was related to the multiple immunisations received.

"Based on the audit, the cause of death is undetermined, and an autopsy is recommended," said Prof. Hindra Satari, the Chairman of KIPI National Committee, on June 30, 2024. However, the family declined the autopsy and withdrew their police and legal complaints, accepting the baby's death.

The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has taken samples of the vaccines administered to the baby, MKA, for quality testing.

The Director of Immunization Management at the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Prima Yosephine, stated that multiple immunizations are safe and recommended by health experts.

"The Indonesian Technical Advisory Group recommends multiple immunizations on Immunization and the Indonesian Pediatric Society. They are safe in a single visit," she said on June 30, 2024.

Yosephine explained that administering vaccines according to the national immunization schedule follows the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

"Multiple antigen vaccines or a single vaccine are as safe and effective as single immunizations," she said.

Reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States show that receiving multiple vaccines at once does not cause chronic health issues. Several studies have been carried out to assess the effects of giving different combinations of vaccines.

The recommended vaccines have been shown to be effective, whether given in combination or individually. Sometimes, certain vaccine combinations given at the same time can cause fever, but this side effect is temporary and does not lead to permanent damage.

Prima Yosephine explained that in Indonesia, multiple vaccinations can be beneficial to provide protection as quickly as possible. Vaccinations are given promptly to protect children at a vulnerable age.

In addition, administering multiple vaccinations at once reduces the number of visits required, so that parents and children do not have to return to health facilities.

"Multiple immunizations may reduce trauma for children, particularly the pain and anxiety felt during injections," said Prima Yosephine. Moreover, multiple vaccinations can also increase efficiency and coverage for healthcare workers to immunize more children and manage other health programs effectively.*** (Politeknik Negeri Bandung/Yeurley Arba Nabila)




persons Kusnadi,
ministries BPOM, Kemenkes,
ngos WHO,
topics polio,
products vitamin,
nations Indonesia,
places JAWA BARAT,
cities bandung, Sukabumi,