Reduce Stress with Shooting Practice in the Shooting Range

  • 28 Juni 2022 03:15:53
  • Views: 15

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – A busy schedule can be exhausting both physically and mentally. If you are looking for a unique activity to calm your mind and reduce your stress level, shooting practice in the range is a very good choice.

“Shooting is a unique sport with lots of benefits, which improves mental health, concentration, reduces stress and anxiety, said Hesti Yulia, a junior doctor during the conversation with TIMES Indonesia, Saturday (25/6/2022).


Hesti Yulia has a common passion with her husband, who regularly accompanies her during her visits to the shooting range. “Our previous training was in the Air Defense Artillery Battalion 12/SBP, said the Alumni of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang Medical School.

Shooting practice is a newly found hobby for Hesti Yulia, after her husband, the Vice President of the Banyuasin Region Senate and a junior politician from the Gerindra political party of Banyuasin invited her to train together.


With the busy schedules and stress-inducing routines as a junior doctor, she needs a perfect escape from the repetitiveness of her profession, thus shooting range quickly becomes one of her favorite places to visit.

She hopes that this shooting activity can help her reduce her stress level and maintain her mental health. “It really calms the mind; it indirectly trains us to control our mind and concentrate, which improves overall mental capacity, said Hesti Yulia. (*)

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companies Google, Telegram,
organizations Muhammadiyah,
ngos WHO,
parties Gerindra,
topics mental health,
nations Indonesia,
cities Palembang,