Padepokan Fotografi Bromo, a Club to Learn Simple Tricks of Photography

  • 14 Juni 2022 03:16:02
  • Views: 8

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGO – Have you ever wonder why those local community of Bromo were so good at taking pictures? The secret lies to a local group called as Padepokan Fotografi Bromo. This is the secret recipe that make them looks like professional photographers.

Padepokan fotografi Bromo is a local community which offers a non formal course to help you capture the right moment and to choose which spot gave the best ambience for your camera. This community was said as the first community ever in the world.

The Padepokan Fotografi Bromo was initiated by the Director of Masyarakat Fotografi Indonesia or the Indonesian Photography Community Sigit Pramono along with some local cultural practitioners.

Sigit took some of the member of MFI to tech the locals who willing to join the community. To mark the grand opening, we will hold a workshop which was held to day (13/6/2022) from 13.00 to 15.30, Sigit Purnomo said.

Sandiaga Uno, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Indonesia happened to join the opening ceremony. We hope that through Padepokan Fotografi Bromo, the locals' awareness to conserve the nature as it main natural value especially in Bromo will raised up, Sigit ended.(*)

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persons Mark, Sandiaga Uno,
companies Google, Telegram,
ngos WHO,
nations Indonesia,
places JAWA TIMUR,
cities Probolinggo,